Assets held in domestic equity funds account for about 10 per cent of China's total equity market capitalisation. 国内股票基金持有的资产约占中国股市总市值的10%。
Equity in a stock account above the legal limit required for margin maintenance in a long or short account. 保证金账户中超过利差要求,可以买入证券之那部分超额保证金。
DIC – Sheikh Mohammed's private equity vehicle – has said that Asia will account for almost a third of its overseas investments. 迪拜国际资本曾表示,亚洲将占其海外投资的近三分之一。该机构是迪拜酋长谢赫•穆罕默德的私人股本投资工具。
Since the Asian crisis of 1997-98, they have sensibly shifted the mix towards more stable flows such as foreign direct investment and portfolio equity which now account for more than 60 per cent of their total external liabilities. 1997年至1998年的亚洲金融危机以后,它们明智地改变了外债构成,转向更稳定的资金流来源,例如外国直接投资和证券组合投资,现在这些占到新兴市场对外负债总额的60%强。
When stocks are purchased, the entire cost of purchasing stocks should be debited to the marketable equity securities account, credited to the cash account. 当购入股票时,应按股票的购入成本借记权益性证券账户,贷记现金账户。
The volume of deals announced by private equity investors plunged 78 per cent to account for just 6 per cent of the global M& A market, the industry's lowest share since 2001. 私人股本投资者公布的交易数量大幅下降了78%,仅占到全球并购市场的6%,这一比例为2001年以来该行业的最低水平。
Some want it to have influence commensurate with the size of America's equity markets, which account for almost half of global market capitalisation. 有人想使其影响力与占全球市场资本总额一半的美国股市的地位相对称。
The Dividends account is a "temporary" owners 'equity account, similar to the owner's drawing account in a sole proprietorship. 股利账户是一个“过渡性”的业主权益账户,它与独资企业的提用账户相类似。
In case of involvingwhere the equity distributionsplit share reform is involved, the form of the account name shall be "exclusive securities account for warrant exercise of XX company for distribution split share reform of warrant exercise". 涉及股权分置改革的,账户名格式为“xx公司股权分置改革权证行权专用证券交收账户”。
The sale of an investment in stocks is recorded by debiting cash for the amount received and crediting the Marketable Equity Securities account for the cost of the securities sold. 股票投资的出售是以收到的金额借记现金,并以出售证券的成本贷记权益性证券账户来反映。
The solely foreign-funded banks, branches of foreign-funded banks and Chinese-foreign equity joint banks shall report their established account titles to the local branch offices of the people's Bank of China for record. 外国独资银行、外国银行分行、中外合资银行应将其会计科目设置情况报中国人民银行当地分支机构备案。
Groups that profit from in-house hedge funds, private equity firms or trading for their own account should not benefit from implicit or explicit government guarantees. 获利于内部对冲基金、私人股本公司或自有账户交易的银行集团,不应得益于明确或隐含的政府担保。
In fact, you can use leverage and still stay within a2% risk of equity in your account. 实际上,你也可以使用杠杆并仍然保持你的资金帐户2%的风险。
But the sheer depth of funds means equity portfolio investment will account for some of the cash, possibly farmed out to asset managers. Either way, legions of advisers, bankers and would-be recipients will be knocking on Asian doors next year. 但这些资金的金额之巨大,意味着一部分现金将投入股票组合投资,或许委托给资产管理公司。不管是哪种情况,明年都会有大批咨询顾问、银行家和潜在投资对象敲响亚洲的大门。
Household Division: Competition among the Authority, Blood Relationship and Profit; There are two owner's equity accounts in a proprietorship: a Capital and a Drawings account. 农户分家:权威、血缘与利益的博弈在独资企业中设立了两种业主权益帐户:资本帐户和提款帐户。
The analysis shows that ( 1) the debt financing strategy is mainly influenced by long-term asset growth ratio, short-term asset growth ratio, equity growth ratio and velocity of account receivable. 分析表明:(1)上市公司的债务融资策略主要受上市公司的长期资产增长率、流动资产增长率、权益增长率和应收账款周转率影响。
Taking the equity structure into account, the investing activities of non-state-owed companies tend to support external financing constraint assumption, while those of the absolute-state-owed companies tend to support free cash flow agency cost assumption. 按股权结构分类,非国有企业的投资行为较为支持外部融资约束假说,国有绝对控股企业中代理问题较为严重。
A perfect independent audit mechanism is an important prerequisite to guarantee the objectiveness and equity of a certificated public account ( CPA)'s audit, and further to exert supervision function of audit and provide high quality audit information. 完善的独立董事制度是保障注册会计师独立、客观、公正执业、切实发挥审计鉴证作用、提高独立审计质量的重要条件。
The equity method is to establish the proportionate relationship between the long-term equity investment account of the investor and the net assets of the invested. 权益法的目的在于建立投资企业长期股权投资账户与被投资单位净资产之间的比例关系。
During the local environmental legislating, balance between equity should be taken into account based on the principle of "Efficiency as a priority, and equity as a target". 地方环境立法应兼顾公正和效率价值平衡,并坚持“效率优先、实现公正”的立法价值取向。
The government should take the public availability and equity into account, stick to the principles of public financing, combine rights and obligations, and allocate medical care resources rationally. 政府在农村医疗保障中承担财政责任,应以公益性和公平性为取向,并遵循公共财政原则、权利与义务相结合原则、财权与事权相一致原则以及卫生资源合理配置原则。
Dealing with the relation between equity and efficiency, we must adhere to the principle of "first economical equity, then efficiency" and "efficiency first, social morality taken account of". 在处理公平与效率的关系时,应该坚持“经济公平优先,兼顾效率”和“效率优先,兼顾社会伦理公平”。
Corresponded with "efficiency" in economics and also considered the distribution principle of "efficiency first, equity taken account of"," equity" here refers to "equity in economical regulations" and "equity in social morality". 与经济学意义上的“效率”相对应,同时考虑到“效率优先,兼顾公平”的分配原则,“公平”主要是指“经济公平”和“社会伦理公平”。
Advanced on the premise of efficiency market, the model can take the return and risk of debt and equity into account, and follows closely the market principle of fair and equivalent exchange. 由于期权模型以有效市场假设为前提,并且直接考虑了债权和股权的收益与风险,这种方法更为有效地体现了等价交换的市场原则。
Price earning ratio ( PE ratio) takes cash flow enjoyed by equity investors into account. 市盈率考虑的是权益投资者享有的现金流量。
The retained earnings of listed companies to equity account, including the surplus reserve and undistributed profit retained earnings. 送股时,将上市公司的留存收益转入股本账户,留存收益包括盈余公积和未分配利润。
While the previous equity index annuity factors into account did not surrender, which makes the resulting low price of equity index annuities, did not surrender the risk of insurance companies take into account the damage caused, so the price is not obtained reasonable. 而以往的权益指数年金没有将退保因素考虑在内,这样使得得出的权益指数年金的价格偏低,没有将退保风险对保险公司所造成的损失考虑在内,所以得出的价格不合理。